Newsletter 21st October 2024
From the Principal

Last week, we held our inaugural Mathematics Olympics for students from Prep to Year 6. This event was developed and coordinated by Mrs Rebecca McGregor. The Maths Olympics was another opportunity for our students to showcase their learning progress, while also developing their confidence, and demonstrating persistence and resilience. It was wonderful to have many parents in attendance, cheering the children on. I’d like to thank Mrs McGregor for putting the event together and providing this opportunity for our students. We look forward to next year’s event.
On Thursday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the annual Oakey State High School Awards Night. It was an excellent evening, and congratulations to all of the students who were recognised for their work and contributions this year. It was great to see a number of our past students being recognised for their efforts in the fields of academics, sports, culture, behaviour and attendance. Every year a student from St Moncia’s is nominated to receive one of the “Chris McNally Academic and Engagement” awards. This year our nominated student was Sophie Scheuerle. Congratulations to Sophie Scheuerle on being recognised for this award.

From the APRE

Day for Daniel
On Friday, October 25, all students will be participating in ‘Day for Daniel’. Held annually, this day honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe, and on this special day, all Australians are asked to Wear Red, Educate and Donate. On this day, Year 3 will be leading the school in a special assembly highlighting the importance of child safety and protection. This includes the 3 ‘Rs’ – React. Respond. Report! Children are invited to wear red clothes to school on this day and bring a gold coin donation which will go to the Daniel Morecombe Foundation. On the Monday of this week, student will also engage in the Day for Daniel Curriculum which links with the TCS Relationships and Sexuality Education Curriculum.

World Teachers Day
This Friday the 25 October is World Teachers Day. As this day falls during our Year 5/6 camp week, we will be celebrating it the following Friday the 1st of November. This day is a chance to celebrate our teachers and thank them for all the work they do to educate, support, challenge and inspire all the students at St Monica’s. Hats off to our teachers!

A Prayer for our teachers on World Teachers Day
Almighty God,
we give thanks for all our teachers.
Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, serving and instructing the next generation of this land.
God, please fill their hearts with kindness and courage.
Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge.
Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgements when guiding and helping others.
Fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes, they will not be overwhelmed.
Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their teaching may become an infectious passion that spreads across all their learners. We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

All Saints and All Souls Day
In the Catholic Tradition, November is traditionally a month of Remembrance. It begins with the Solemnity of All Saints, or All Saints Day, on November 1st to remember all the saints and martyrs throughout Christian history. Students will attend Thursday Mass, the day before, in the lead up to this special day. It is followed by All Souls' Day, also known as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed on November 2nd, which commemorates those we love who are no longer with us.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
Family Parish Mass
The final Family Mass of the year will be on Saturday the 2nd of November at 6pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for our whole community to join in prayer and spend valuable time together. Directly after the Mass, all are invited to stay for a light supper of biscuits and slices. We hope to see many of you there.

Melbourne Cup Hat Parade
Tuesday, the 5th of November is the Melbourne Cup. Each class will participate in a Melbourne Cup sweep and are invited to participate in the ‘Fashions on the Field’ hat parade with prizes for the best hats.
From the Classrooms
Welcome to Term 4, weeks 4 & 5.
I would like to start by congratulating those students who represented Prep in the Math Olympics. It was also wonderful to see the support and encouragement they received from their peers, Well done Preppies!
We have a few important events over the coming fortnight. The first of which is Day for Daniel on Friday the 25th, we ask that you come to school dressed in Red and please bring a gold coin donation.
Saturday the 2nd of November will be our final Family Mass of the year, I look forward to seeing some of you there.
A general reminder that homework, library books and home readers are to be returned each Thursday and new homework will be distributed the following Friday.
Wishing you all a wonderful fortnight.
Year 1
Collecting data has been a focus in class during Maths, having discussed the appropriate questions we need to ask to collect it. Having done so, we went on to discuss what it is used for and how we can represent it visually on a graph. The students also thoroughly enjoyed the Maths Olympics.
Reading evaluation is underway in English with some pleasing results being attained. We continue to work on our unit on Pets, studying verbs and adjectives recently and making personal connections to text through the story, Handa’s Hen.
During Religion lessons, we have been focusing on Mary, the mother of Jesus and how we both refer and remember her. The children also participated in a mass on the same theme and all acted very reverently. Well done! We’ve also looked at the world of the text and have been able to make some comparisons between life in the world Jesus was born into and our own.
Much time and energy went into preparing for our assembly for Loud Shirt Day last Friday and the students are to be commended for their reading and the Auslan presentation of Sing a Rainbow. All in all, a busy time in Year 1, as the weeks continue to slip by very quickly.
Year 2
I can’t believe we are already in week 4 of Term 4! Time has been flying by in Year Two and we have been doing some amazing learning.
Last week we welcomed Mrs Gilkes into our classroom. Mrs Gilkes is a student teacher from USQ. So far, she has taught us some Maths and English. We have been enjoying our time getting to know her.
In Maths, we have been focusing on giving and following directions, subtraction facts and capacity. We have been doing lots of hands-on learning and we have even been able to learn a few more games around these topics.
In English, we have been focusing on the story Maudie and Bear. We have worked on retelling the story and we are currently focusing on describing our character’s appearance and personalities.
Next week (week 5) we will be presenting our assembly for “World Teachers Day”. We have started practicing this week. Just a reminder to keep practicing your child’s reading part with them at home!
Until next time,
Lauren Grant

Year 3
Over the next few weeks, Year 3 students will be involved in class and whole school testing. During Mathematics students have been practicing speed and accuracy with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This week we have been looking at rhythm and rhyme when writing and reading various forms of poetry. During Science lessons students have been exploring states of matter. On Friday students will be leading assembly to help bring awareness to Danial Morcombe Day.
We hope to see you there!
Year 4A
In English this term, we are investigating the narrative structure of graphic novels and comics. The students are working towards writing their own comic, using the novel ‘Captain Underpants’ as inspiration. We have been investigating the language features of graphic novels, in particular the use of alliteration e.g. Bruce Banner, Peter Parker. We have been having fun with tongue twisters, which use a lot of alliteration.
Throughout term 2 and 3, the students have participated in buddy fluency reading. They have been enjoying this experience and I have noticed a great improvement in their fluency when I have been completing reading tests with them.
We are heading into the busy time of term where we are participating in assessment tasks associated with our learning. I would appreciate it if you could notify the office or myself, in advance, if you need to collect your child early. This ensures I do not begin a task with your child that they will not be able to complete and reduces their stress about finishing a task they are halfway through. Thank you to the parents who already do this.
It would be great to see the Year 4 students at Family Mass on Saturday the 2nd of November at 6pm. Notes have been sent home to all families.
God Bless
Mrs Anderson
Year 4M
Welcome to Week 4!
We are starting with a bang this week with Socktober Day. This is a time to raise money for Missions, and we certainly had some very lairy socks! Day for Daniel is this Friday - so don't forget the children need to wear something red. Beersheeba Day will be held next Thursday, so don't forget house shirts if Beersheeba is your house. The children are looking forward to stepping up to fill the Year 5 and 6 roles while they are away on camp, and it is a great way for our future leaders to see what leadership looks like.
Please make sure to check that your children are wearing the correct uniform. Girls need to have appropriate hair ties (no clips), gold or silver studs or sleepers and only religious necklaces that are worn under their dresses.
We are heading into assessment time, so please ensure that your children are getting adequate sleep and are eating healthy and nutritious foods to help them be the best students they can be.
Have a fantastic week.
Year 5B
Well, Week 4 has arrived, and it is all about camp! A very excited bunch of campers need to arrive at school early Tuesday morning ready to head off on their adventures to Burleigh Heads. This is a great opportunity to not only enjoy some fabulous activities but also to put into practice the You Can Do It keys to success - Organisation, Resilience, Getting Along, Persistence and Confidence. You can see photos of our adventures on our Facebook page, so stay tuned.
Well done to Zack, Aida and Kimmy for their awesome efforts in our inaugural St Monica’s Maths Olympics! You were amazing!!
Have a great week! We will see you Friday afternoon, no doubt a little weary but with wonderful stories to share.
Year 5R

Year 6
The Year 5/6 students are eager to head off to camp tomorrow morning. Please ensure students have reread the camp rules that were sent home last week and make sure they understand the expectations.
Make sure to follow along with the camp happenings by checking the St Monica's Facebook page which we will endeavour to update each night. We will also post updates on there if we are running behind on Friday. All things going well, the bus is due to arrive at school at 3:30pm. Please ensure you are at school and ready for collection.
We are looking forward to a fantastic week ahead!
From the Library

From Music & LOTE
Thank you to those parents who have returned the note about Choir singing at the Family Mass on Saturday November 2nd at 6pm. It will be wonderful to have our singers lead the congregation for this event.
Both Choir & Ukulele Group are excited about two upcoming events :
- visiting CWA house on Wednesday 20th November to play and sing for the residents
- performing at the Oakey Historical Village on the afternoon of Sunday December 1st
Please return permission notes as soon as possible. Thanks.
Mini Monnie's Playgroup

Be Well at St Monica's

It’s Not Just Sport!
Playing sports can provide children with a wide range of valuable life skills and lessons that extend far beyond the field or court. Here are some of the key life skills children can learn from playing sports:
- Teamwork: Team sports teach children how to collaborate with others, share responsibilities, and work together to achieve a common goal.
- Communication: Sports encourage effective communication, both verbal and non-verbal. Children learn to convey ideas, strategies, and feedback to their teammates and coaches.
- Discipline: Committing to a sport requires regular practice and adherence to a schedule. This helps children develop self-discipline, time management, and the ability to follow through on commitments.
- Goal Setting: Sports provide opportunities for setting and working toward goals, whether it's improving a personal best, winning a game, or achieving specific milestones.
- Persistence: Sports often involve facing challenges and setbacks. Kids learn to persist through difficult times, develop resilience, and bounce back from failures.
- Leadership: Many sports allow kids to take on leadership roles, such as team captain or organising drills. These experiences can foster leadership skills and confidence.
- Sportsmanship: Learning to win gracefully and lose with dignity is a fundamental aspect of sportsmanship. Children learn the importance of respecting opponents and officials.
- Problem Solving: Sports often require quick decision-making and adaptability, which can help kids develop problem-solving skills in high-pressure situations.
- Self-Esteem: Achieving success in sports can boost a child's self-esteem and self-confidence, which can translate to other areas of life.
- Time Management: Balancing school, sports, and other commitments teaches kids valuable time management skills and prioritisation.
- Respect for Rules: Understanding and adhering to the rules of a sport helps children develop respect for rules and regulations in other aspects of life.
- Fair Play: Kids learn the importance of fair play, honesty, and integrity in sports, which can extend to their behaviour in other areas of life.
- Work Ethic: The effort and dedication required to improve in a sport instil a strong work ethic that can carry over into academics and future careers.
- Healthy Competition: Sports teach children how to compete in a healthy and constructive manner, emphasizing the value of doing your best rather than just winning at all costs.
- Time Management: Balancing school, sports, and other commitments teaches kids valuable time management skills and prioritization.
- Resilience: Facing challenges and setbacks in sports helps kids build resilience, learn to cope with disappointment, and bounce back from failures.

These life skills are not only beneficial for a child's personal development but can also have a positive impact on their academic performance, social interactions, and future career success. Whether a child becomes a professional athlete or simply enjoys sports as a recreational activity, the life skills gained through sports can last a lifetime.
In challenging times, help is just a phone call away! Who can you call 24/7?
Lifeline 131114, Kids Help Line 1800 551800, Beyond Blue 1300 224636

School uniforms are now available at School Locker online or Intersport in Ruthven St Toowoomba.
Research has shown that one of the real advantages of an education at a Catholic School is that a special and unique pride is developed. One significant way to foster such pride is the enforcement of strict uniform guidelines. All children are expected to wear the school uniform as listed below:
School Uniform - Years 1 to 6
Girls – Formal - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
- St Monica’s School Dress Uniform
- Dress: Pattern, Sutton no 346(B)
- Dress: Fabric, Check 8021
- Collar: Cesarella 1301, Zip: Birch 265 Bottle Green
- St Monica’s School green school bucket hat
- Short white socks – (no ankle socks)
- All black shoes – may be leather or jogger.
Girls – Sports - Wednesday and Friday
- St Monica’s School Sports Shirt Yr.1 to Yr.5
- St Monica’s School Leader Shirt Year 6
- St Monica’s School Navy Blue Skort
- St Monica’s School green school bucket hat
- Short white socks
- White sandshoes/joggers
Winter Variation
- As Above
- St Monica’s School Bottle Green Fleecy Pullover with embroidered crest
- Green fleecy track pants with sports uniform only.
- Navy Blue Tights (optional)

Boys – Formal - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
- St Monica’s School Dress Shirt with tartan collar
- Shirt: Pattern, Simplicity 5581
- Fabric: Bottle Green Poplin 8021
- Shorts: Navy Blue Long Shorts (Ruggers)
- St Monica’s School green school bucket hat
- Short navy-blue socks – (no ankle socks)
- All black shoes – May be leather or jogger.
Boys – Sports - Wednesday & Friday
- St Monica’s School Sports Shirt Yr. 1 to Yr. 5
- St Monica’s School Leader Shirt Year 6
- St Monica’s School Navy Blue Shorts (Stubbies)
- St Monica’s School green school bucket hat
- Short white socks
- White sandshoes/joggers
Winter Variation
As Above
- St Monica’s school Bottle Green Fleecy pullover with embroidered crest
- Green fleecy track pants with sports uniform only.
- Long navy-blue pants - Ruggers – Formal uniform (optional)
It is expected that the correct and clean school uniform will be worn at all times. A school uniform can help instil in the students a sense of pride and identity. It also signifies unity and equality.
Prep students wear the sports uniform 5 days per week – Monday to Friday
All Students
Collar length hair or longer must be tied back with a green band or green ribbon. Natural hair colour is expected. Rat’s tails and tracks are not permitted.
Girls: Sleepers and plain studs are the only acceptable earrings.
Boys: No earrings.
Clearly mark all clothing with your child’s name.
From the P&F
A big Thank You goes out to everyone who made our recent Trivia Night a great success. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening of fun and brain drain.
This night was made a success thanks to our sponsors and our wonderful committee.
Please come along to our next meeting on Tuesday 12th November at 6:00pm at the Oakey RSL.
Clothing Pool
The clothing pool is currently located in the OSHC, if you require anything please contact the school office or see Lauren in OSHC room near the Prep Classroom.
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